The women's group, the Clarkettes, is meeting every second and fourth Tuesday at the Rec Center. This is a time of fellowship and learning. To learn more, call Nicole Connell, or get in touch with Rec Center Coordinator, Raquel Canny.
Fire can be a tool, but it can also be a monster. There are steps to take to keep your fire under control.
1. If the wind is blowing, wait for a calmer day to burn.
2. If you will be burning a large amount, call the sheriff's office and let them know.
3. Before you strike the match, have a good source of water. A 2-3 gallon weed sprayer will work.
4. Light into any breeze, and let the fire back into itself instead of being driven by it.
5. Light only what you can control; don't get too spread out.
6. Wet down spots that you do not want to burn.
7. When your burn is complete, make sure all embers out out--drown them.
The Annual Meeting will be held on the first Saturday of November, November 2, 2024.
- Anyone with a desire to become a director shall submit a request in writing to the Board at least one (1) month prior to the annual meeting stating the following:
- Name and address
- Date of birth
- E-mail address
- Number of years residing in Clark
- Skill set you plan to bring to the board
- Any prior government or board experience
- Number of meetings attended in the past six (6) months
An application can be found on the "Board Page."
- Must reside in the Clark Pioneer area for at least two (2) years prior to the election and reside in the area for at least ten (10) months per year.
- Must have attended at least two (2) board meetings within six (6) months of the annual meeting or proposed election to the board, obtained and read the by-laws, and have a clear understanding of the board’s function and purpose.
- Because all directors are able to sign recreation board checks, prospective directors must be willing to be listed as a signer on the bank account and to submit any information the financial institution may require.
- Must be a member of the CPRP.
Qualifications for CPRP membership:
1. The membership of Clark Pioneer Recreation Project shall be open to all residents and property owners, 18 years of age and older, living in the Clark and Pioneer communities in Park County, Wyoming.
2. A resident wishing to become a member of the CPRP must fill out an application and return it to the board secretary by the last day of September in order to be eligible to vote at the annual meeting in November.
3. A membership list will be maintained by the secretary, and will be made available to the public upon request.
4. Membership is a requirement for voting.